Benefits of Breast Implant Removal and Lift

Removing a patient’s breast implants (also known as breast explant surgery) is not always completed on its own. This procedure will often be combined with a breast lift to maintain an aesthetically pleasing look. There are numerous benefits to performing a breast implant removal and lift simultaneously, such as to:
- Reorient the nipples to a “perkier,” more youthful position
- Tighten the skin and underlying glandular tissue
- Preserve some or all of the lost breast volume
- Ensure a consistent, symmetrical post-op appearance
Breast Explant and Lift With Dr. Rai
A breast explant is a very complex procedure requiring advanced training and skill, so it’s best to consult with an expert like board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rai. During your initial consultation at the Cosmetic Surgical Center in Dallas, he will examine your chest and ask important questions about your symptoms and overarching goals. If a breast lift is also right for you, he will craft a personalized treatment plan that strategically combines the lift and explant techniques for a beautiful result.
Reasons For Implant Removal
Implants have helped countless women regain their self-confidence. In the vast majority of cases, patients go on to have zero complaints and enjoy their implants for many years. However, rare complications and other factors can sometimes necessitate the need for removal, like:
- The patient no longer wants that particular size or shape.
- The breasts’ proportions have changed after certain life events like pregnancy, breastfeeding, or losing weight.
- The implant is damaged or has moved.
- Abnormal scar tissue has formed around the implant, causing discomfort. This is known as capsular contracture.
Why Should My Breast Lift Be Done At The Same Time?
If you decide to receive a breast lift at the same time as a breast explant, Dr. Rai will take advantage of a technique known as auto augmentation. Here, the patient’s lower breast tissue is pushed up and under the breast to not only provide a lift but also add volume and shape that was lost from removing the implants.
This means that the patient only needs one day of surgery, rather than two separate operations that each come with their own recovery periods. Additionally, combining a breast implant removal with a lift allows for more predictable aesthetic outcomes.
Can A Breast Explant Be Combined With A Breast Reduction Instead?
Yes! If orientation isn’t as much of an issue as size, you might want to consider a breast reduction to go along with your explantation. During this procedure, Dr. Rai will remove the implants as well as additional breast tissue as needed. He will still ensure a proper alignment at this time so that you continue to keep a youthful look. You could even elect to receive other plastic surgery treatments like a tummy tuck or facelift, too!
Contact Us For More Details
Weighing whether a breast implant removal and breast lift are right for you? Contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center today to set up your first appointment with Dr. Rai.