Breast Contouring using the Auto Augmentation Technique

Breast contouring is the surgical technique of creating an aesthetically pleasing breast shape and size.
For patients with more natural breast volume that want to be significantly smaller in size this would involve removing breast tissue at the same time as an explant procedure using a breast reduction. This would be for patients who have issues with significant neck, back, shoulder pain due to the heaviness of the breasts.
For patients interested in retaining as much breast volume as possible a breast lift with an auto augmentation technique is ideal as it allows Dr. Rai to lift the breast and the nipple into a higher location at the same time as filling the breast with as much natural breast tissue as possible. An areolar reduction is done at the same time and the nipple is brought up to a more youthful position. The skin at the bottom of the breast is removed making sure to leave all the natural breast tissue intact. That breast tissue is then utilized and pushed up under the breast to add volume and size to the breast in a completely natural way.
For more information call us at 972-566-6500 to setup your complimentary consultation with Dr. Surjit Rai.